2024 Bon Accord Under 17 Singles Sponsored by Cameron Millar - Review

15 Sep by Cameron Millar

Polmuir Bowling Club hosted our final event of the 2024 season this afternoon, the Under 17 singles sponsored by our own Match Secretary Cameron Millar.

As the competition got underway, the sun had come out and a warm afternoon for players and an excellent turnout of spectators was ready to be enjoyed.

With nine entries, the players were divided into two groups, with the top two in each section qualifying for the semi-finals.

Group A
Harry Campbell, Libby Craig, Sophie Thom and Ellis Adie

Group B
Karris Bell, Megan Orchard, Viktor Micak, Archie Scott and Samuel Noble

In group A, it was the Bon Accord Under 25 singles champion Ellis Adie who was expected to top the group, which he duly did winning all three matches. This left Harry, Libby and Sophie battling for the runners-up slot, and this came down to only a few shots in the matches between each other. Harry managed narrow wins against both Libby and Sophie to secure the runners-up position in the group and a semi final place.

In group B, it was less clear who was going to qualify. By the time three of the five rounds of matches had been played, it was Archie and Samuel who headed the section however they still had to play each other in the final round.
Results in the fourth round of games meant Archie and Samuel had qualified however their head to head in the final round would decide who they played in the semi-finals. It was Archie who came out on top 9-5.

Semi-finals (maximum 12 ends)
Ellis Adie v Samuel Noble
Archie Scott v Harry Campbell

Ellis won the first four ends as he raced into a 9-0 lead and secured a final place at 16-3.

In the other semi-final after 9 ends, Archie lead Harry 8-7, and with Archie scoring a 3 and 4 on the next two ends he secured a place in the final 15-7.

Final (maximum 15 ends)
Ellis v Archie

Both players started very well and were matching each other however it was Ellis who won four of the first seven ends to lead 6-3. A full house four on end eight moved Ellis 10-3 ahead, which then became 13-5 with only three ends remaining. Archie had to score at the next end to keep the game going and unfortunately in his attempt to do so he lost the end and the match

Many congratulations to Ellis on doing the double of Bon Accord Under 17 to add to his Under 25 title last weekend. Commiserations to Archie however well done on reaching the final and the score was harsh on you as you played excellent bowls in the final and throughout the competition.

Very well done to all the other 7 players who took part. The standard of play on display today was superb and irrespective of your scores you should all feel proud of how you all played and hopefully you will learn at least one thing from today.

Thanks to our umpire Lorraine Grant.

Thanks to all the parents, relatives and friends who came along today to support the players. Your support and help is invaluable to the players even though you may not be recognised.

Thanks to Polmuir members and President Audrey Davidson for providing markers, rink scoreboards helpers, running the bar and also providing tea, coffee and food for all during the afternoon.

Thanks to our sponsor Cameron Millar for your ongoing support to this competition.

Finally, there was one person who couldn’t be with us today, to whom all the players today are indebted too – Alan Petrie. Before play started a group photo was taking giving the thumbs up 👍 for Alan and all the work he does but outdoor and indoor with the youngsters!

So the curtain has fallen on the 2024 outdoor season and we will post in the near future a review and a full list of winners.

In the meantime a big thank you from ne to all Clubs, club members, players and my fellow Committee members for another successful and enjoyable season. Now for a bit of rest before planning for the 2025 season!

Cameron Millar
Match Secretary

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